Working with 'Track Changes'

We have returned your document with all 'Track Changes' options selected (Word for Windows and Word for Mac OS X) and with changes displayed for review.

Please leave these settings on as you check your document to identify any changes that you make.

To re-insert author details without tracked changes showing

When you re-insert the author details, please select the inserted text, right-click and select 'Accept change' or 'Accept insertion'.

To turn off the display of tracked changes

If you do not wish tracked changes to be displayed:

In Word 2000 and Word for Mac OS X, with the document open, select Tools>Track Changes>Highlight Changes. Leave the first option selected; deselect the second and third options.

In Word 2002 and later versions, choose 'Final' in the 'Display for Review' drop-down menu, and leave the 'Track Changes' command button depressed.
